Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pesach on the Edge

Well, we survived our first Pesach out here. The other frum couple in town invited us for many meal and we had a wonderful time. I have to admit that I sorely miss the dish and political conversations around Blogblond's Shabbos/Yom Tov table. Soulmate and I discuss politics and we discuss it all the time with our family (his parents, aunt, etc.), so I guess I'll have to get my fix on the weekdays.

On the Shabbos before Pesach, I made a minor faux-pas. We were all standing around at the kiddush after shul discussing the upcoming community seder on the first night of Pesach. I asked if anyone knew what time it started. One lady said she hoped it started earlier than last year, when they didn't start until 8.

I said, "Well they can't really start before a certain time."

Wrong thing to say. Suddenly, I had five people around me telling me that they could start whenever they wanted to. One woman said that their seder started at 4 pm last year. I backed away and went to get some more olive dip.

I'm so used to being with Jews who have a certain set of values and who actually subscribe to halacha - I must've forgotten that I wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

The weather here has been sporadic. Last Shabbos, it was sunny and about 70 degrees F. We put on our Shabbos-casual clothes and walked the two miles down to the ocean.

It was a lovely day and Victoria has some really cute neighborhoods we walked through. On Sunday, we met Soulmate's parents (have I mentioned how much I absolutely love them?) for a picnic and then saw an IMAX movie. Victoria is so accessible. We drove to the picnic, but we could've easily walked. We did walk from the picnic to the IMAX. It's so refreshing to be able to get around safely and pleasantly on foot - couldn't do that in Detroit.


Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks, Elster. Not working right now. Don't have permission to work in Canada, yet. I'm a very happy housewife!

03 May, 2006 16:33  

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