Sunday, February 04, 2007 bites my a$$

I've come to hate, yet until recently continued to check there daily for my news. We don't have cable and only recently started getting the Globe and Mail, so a news junkie like me had toget her fix somewhere.

What was the problem? It isn't some rabid left vs. right reason (I'm not really that kind of person anyway). Rather it's their damn headlines. They tell way more than I want to know about articles that aren't even news anyway. I'm tired of surfing over only to be greeted by headlines such as "Dead dog found in dryer" or "Man eats longtime girlfriend for supper". I'm sick and horrified that the editorial assholes at CNN think that this is news. It's not even buried in the "Weird-ass Stories" section. It's right there in the list of headlines at the very top of the page! Plus, it's not like I have to even surf to the article for the gory details - everything I don't want to know is right there staring me in the face. Fuckers. Like I need even more things to be horrified about. Trust me, parenthood makes you ACUTELY aware of all the dangers in the world. I don't need to be reminded of horrific things that never entered my mind.

Solution? I'm trying to read the paper more often and I'm surfing to for my political snark. The rest of the world be damned.


So, I'm rethinking the purpose of this blog. I now maintain a separate blog of family news for friends and family members. I also have started a different anonymous blog about life with our son and being a new mom. What's left to talk about?

Politics, my friends. Issues of the day and my authoritative opinion on them. I realize this will not be popular with some of you. With others, I look forward to a whole new conversation (or perhaps a conversation more like the ones we had around the dining room table at Waters Road...).

You've been warned.